Category Archives: Exercise: Help or Hype

Norwalk CT Chiropractic Doctors Offer Exercise Advice to Locals

Exercise is beneficial and an important part of a general health plan. If it is not done correctly though, it can do more harm than good. A dedicated Norwalk chiropractor has taken it upon himself to advise locals on various aspects of exercise.

One area he addresses is injuries and how to prevent them. He does this by explaining the importance of stretching before getting into more strenuous exercises and cooling down afterwards. Warming up prepares the body for exercise so that there is no sudden exertion on it that can cause injuries. Cooling down encourages the body to slow down and get into recovery.

The chiropractor also advices on pacing oneself. This means gradually easing into exercises and not overdoing things all at once which can cause tendons and ligaments to snap and muscles to cramp. He talks about starting with light weights first and gradually adding them and doing a few reps and adding a few at a time as muscles get stronger.

The other factor the chiropractor will address is that of avoiding aggravation of old injuries. Some people live with injuries they suffered a long time ago that were never completely healed such as auto crash injuries. They are thoroughly looked over and the problem is tackled with chiropractic care so that it is addressed as the client gets on with exercising. Rehabilitative exercises may first be recommended to restore the problem area before normal exercises are done.

Safe exercising despite chronic or serious conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and others is also addressed by the chiropractor. People with these illnesses are shown exercises that they can safely perform that would help rather than worsen their health problems. Those with joint problems and related issues such as osteoporosis and arthritis are also helped.

The care and advice of this dedicated Norwalk chiropractor has put many back on the track to safe health with the advice, demonstrations, and periodic evaluations. Many who did not used to do so have become frequent exercises and with minimized chances of injuring themselves or worsening existing health problems.

You can get exercise advice and details about the benefits you get when you consult a Norwalk chiropractor at right now.

Norwalk, CT Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Headaches Safely

Norwalk, CT Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Headaches Safely

People that have grown tired of dealing with the pain of headaches have found that turning to a Norwalk chiropractor can bring them safe and natural relief. In many instances, the doctor of chiropractic is able to help patients find headache relief from cluster, migraine and tension headaches.

Most headache pain is related to spinal problems. When the structures of the spine press on certain nerves that pass through sets of vertebrae, the result is pain. If the nerve is located in the upper spine, one possible result is headaches.

A chiropractic doctor can work with the patient to remove pressure from the nerve. Once the nerve is no longer being pressed or pinched it can begin to heal. As healing of the nerve occurs, patients feel less pain. Eventually, they may be pain free once again.

The doctor of chiropractic often needs to make an adjustment to the spine. The adjustment allows the various components of the spine to be moved back to their normal alignment. The adjustment may cause some popping noises, due to gas bubbles that are held in the spine being released. Most patients find that the process does not hurt and is the beginning to healing.

Since chiropractic care does not require the patient to take medication, it is an excellent choice for many people, especially those who cannot tolerate the medication for one reason or another. The natural help offered for headaches can also help patients to avoid surgery or other invasive procedures that might be offered to stop headache pain. The holistic care offered can also help with other health problems.

When suffering from headaches or other types of pain, many patients have found that the help of a Norwalk chiropractor is a safe way in which to find pain relief. This natural way to end pain found through chiropractic care is often covered by today’s insurance plans.

The Norwalk Chiropractor can provide the safe and natural relief for headache pain that you seek. You can find more information about the methods used by this knowledgeable professional when you visit today.

The Scoop on Shoveling, Protect Your Back This Winter

This has been a very snowy winter to say the least.  And we are sure we don’t have to tell you, because you already know what a chore shoveling this heavy stuff can be – and how shoveling can cause a strain on your neck and back muscles.  So here are 20 tips for removing snow safely.  And just think, only seven weeks until spring! 

One way to make removing snow easier on your body is to use a push blade with wheels, a snow scoop, or a push snow shovel instead of a typical snow shovel.  Shoveling strains your neck muscles, but pushing does not.  If the snow is too deep, use a snow blower to clear your path.

When you don’t have access to a snow blower, follow these snow-shoveling guidelines to avoid hurting your neck and back:

–       Try shoveling when there is only a little snow on the ground, no more than two to four inches.  It will be looser and lighter.  You will, of course, have to shovel more often during a snowstorm, but this is healthier for your neck and back than lifting heavy snow.
–       Never shovel hard-packed, partially frozen snow.  Only shovel loose snow.  Hard-packed snow or frozen snow is too heavy. 
         Breaking ice or frozen snow loose, then lifting a heavily loaded shovel will hurt your neck, shoulder or back muscles.
–       Push the snow to the side of a walkway or driveway, rather than shoveling the snow.
–       Make sure your shovel is very sharp
–       Spray your shovel with WD40 before use
–       Use an ergonomically correct shovel with a handle
–       Place one hand mid-shaft for easier shoveling
–       Shovel only small amounts.  Large amounts are too heavy and can strain your muscles
–       Don’t reach or stretch.  Move closer to the area you are shoveling
–       Keep the loaded shovel as close to your body as possible
–       Bend at the knees and hips, keeping your back and neck straight
–       Use you thigh as a lever for tough shoveling
–       Always look at what you are lifting
–       Alternate your hands and feet frequently
–       Only throw the snow you are shoveling a short distance from your body.  The further you throw the snow, the more you will strain your neck muscles
–       Take frequent breaks to rest your muscles
–       Use salt on pathways and driveways before a storm hits to keep ice from forming
–        And if you are forced to park outside, a windshield cover can eliminate lots of windshield scraping in the morning
Lastly, BREATHE! Exhale with each shovel.  Shoveling can rapidly increase your heart rate and has been a cause of many heart attacks over the years.  Exhaling as you scoop the snow will help keep the pressure in your chest down.

Fat Burning – Separating Myth From Fact

From Fat-Burning Belts To Fat-Burning Exercise – Help Or Hype?

It is fairly obvious from the non-stop advertisements for fat burning pills, fat burning waist belts, and the myriad of other “instant miracle” products promising a leaner, more muscular you, that fat burning is the newest health rage. But what’s fact and what’s hype?

Can muscle building and fat burning occur at the same time?
You probably have seen ads for various fat burning waist belts and wondered if they really worked. It just seems so easy, doesn’t it? Strap on a belt, forget about fat burning exercise, and watch those firm, beautiful muscles magically appear. Unfortunately, when it comes to fat burning and basic good health, there is just no substitute for a good exercise program. Now, that does not mean joining a high-priced gym and working on a killer “six-pack”. Surprisingly, intense body building does not appear burn any more body fat than low intensity exercise. Burning body fat and building muscle at the same time can actually be nicely achieved with some fairly low-impact exercise.

If the great outdoors is just not your thing, many exercise machines can provide an excellent fat burning workout. Stair climbers offer great resistance training, burning calories while toning up your leg and butt muscles. However, for lower impact and less stress on your knees and ankles, a good treadmill machine may be your best choice. You can set your own pace, burn those pesky calories and fat, and still get a great aerobic workout.

Get Hot With a Warm-Up Routine

So, how should you get started on a leaner, healthier you? Your fat burning workout should always start with some basic warm-up exercise routines. Be very cautious about aggressive stretching, though. Those wonderfully limber runners pulling their legs impossibly up against their backs are probably doing more harm than good. Why? Because muscles need to warm up before they are pliable enough to be safely stretched. Try something simple, like an arm circle or leg swing. You will find your muscles respond better and faster to any exercise, including fat burning, when you start with this type of dynamic stretching.

Your next step in burning fat is consistency. The old saying “no pain, no gain” should actually be “with pain, there is no gain”. You really do your body more harm than good when your workout is so intense that you become a stiff, sore couch potato for days at a time. The key is to listen to your body. Don’t push through the pain, asking your body to do something akin to torture. As physicians, we see countless painful injuries that would have been avoided with a sensible, consistent exercise program. So do exercise and keep your body moving to burn body fat and lose weight, but also be aware of your body’s natural limitations.

Ladies, Tap Into Your Hidden Strength

When it comes to weight and resistance training, men definitely do not have a corner on the market. Women may have smaller body structures than men, but strength is not defined by gender. While most women do not want to look like muscle-bound bodybuilders, the female physique can realize a great deal of benefit in moderate weight and resistance training. Not only does this type of fat burning exercise help your body burn calories and fat, it also is fantastic for healthy bones. Osteoporosis is a very real threat to women, and weight and resistance training effectively fights this crippling disease, keeping you youthful and energetic with healthy, strong bones.

You Are What You Eat

As much as we would all like to believe the hype that says “eat what you want and still lose weight”, the fact is that we all need a healthy diet. Fat and calorie burning exercise cannot be effective if your diet is filled with McDonald’s, Snickers and Cokes. Ask your doctor about a sensible low-calorie diet, and also check into some low-glycemic and low-fat foods. A number of these healthful foods are even high-flavor and completely satisfying! Remember, your body needs a certain amount of calories and fat to function at its best, so never, ever starve it. Instead, watch that unwanted fat melt away when you combine your fat burning exercise routine with a fat burning diet.

So are you ready for a brand new you? With a little bit of willpower and persistence, a beautiful new world of good health, increased energy, and of course, a fantastic, trim body, is within your grasp. Whether you are in your teens or enjoying retirement, you can discover a new zest for life and actually like what you see in the mirror. So get up, get active, and get ready to be amazed!