Category Archives: Food

Fiber: A Secret Ingredient

We have all heard tons about how we should get plenty of fiber in our diet.  It’s good for us, right?  But what exactly is fiber and why does it help us?  What is the difference between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber?  Is one better than the other?  What foods are the best sources of fiber?  How much do we need daily?

First let’s answer the big question, what exactly is fiber? Fiber is a food substance that cannot be digested by humans and is mostly found in plants.  Because fiber can’t be broken down and absorbed in our bloodstream, fiber moves through our intestines helping to remove waste and toxins before being excreted.

Dietary fiber refers to foods with naturally occurring fiber.  Functional fiber is fiber added to a food product to help boost its content.  So what’s the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?   Soluble fiber disperses when it is mixed with liquid, while insoluble fiber does not.  Neither form is digestible.

Great sources of soluble fiber include: apples, oranges, carrots, oats, dried beans and barley.  Great sources of insoluble fiber include: wheat bran, corn bran, seeds, nuts and dark green leafy vegetables (which are also a fantastic source of calcium!)

Both forms of fiber provide major health benefits, and rich sources of fiber usually contain a mix of both soluble and insoluble forms.  You should consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber per day.  That is approximately five servings of fruits and vegetables and six servings of whole grain products daily.

The Health benefits of fiber go way beyond keeping your bowels regular.  Numerous studies have found a diet rich in fiber is also vital for your heart.  A recent review of 67 controlled studies on dietary fiber showed increasing your intake of fiber from legumes, barley and oats by just 10 grams a day can reduce your “bad” LDL cholesterol numbers an average of 22 points – and a total reduction of cholesterol was approximately 17 points!

There is even better news.  Research shows fiber can lower your chances of developing coronary artery disease.  In a group of studies, investigators found for every 10 gram increase in total dietary fiber, there was a 24% decrease in the amount of deaths from coronary artery disease!

Fiber also lends a hand in regulating your blood sugar.  A meal containing a good portion of fiber shows a slower spike in your blood sugar.  That’s great news if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic.  Keeping your blood sugar levels steady also helps you control your weight.  Spiking blood sugar causes increased insulin resistance, and causes you to gain weight.  Fiber not only makes you feel full longer, but women who boost their fiber content by approximately 9 grams a day cut their risk of major weight gain in half.

Drs. Brenda and Erik Slovin are Chiropractic Physicians at Slovin Chiropractic Center 205 Main Avenue,  Norwalk, CT  If you have more questions about this article or if you are suffering injuries following a collision, slip and fall, please contact the doctors at 203-840-0000 or find them on the web: